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MSP Panel: Lessons Learned as a TruMethods Peer Member


October 9 | 1:00 PM ET


In today’s competitive marketplace, a powerful brand is more than just a logo or tagline—it’s a fundamental pillar of business success. Prepare to elevate your MSP’s brand to new heights as our experts dive into the essentials of creating a consistent and memorable brand that builds trust and loyalty

Join Gary Pica, president of TruMethods, and Dan Tomaszewski, EVP of Channel at Kaseya, as they share actionable insights and practical advice for building a brand strategy that captivates and converts.

In this session, you’ll learn how to:

  • Develop a consistent, compelling brand identity that resonates with your audience and reflects your core mission and values.
  • Position your brand effectively to highlight your unique selling proposition, setting your MSP apart from competitors.
  • Cultivate brand loyalty by turning clients into advocates who promote your business to others.

By the end of this session, you’ll have a comprehensive toolkit to craft a robust brand strategy that will fuel your marketing, create a memorable identity, and increase the perceived value of your services. 

EVP Channel, Kaseya
President, TruMethods

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